We have a new name — RIP Medical Debt is now Undue Medical Debt.
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“Keep doing what you are doing because you bring joy during these depressing times where everyone is struggling to put food on the table. I can testify that you brought great joy to me personally by taking away my Debt . Thank from the bottom of my heart, Undue Medical Debt.”


Recent Stories

  • Amber

    Amber is a recipient of our debt relief program living in Toledo, Ohio. The debt relief provided to her was made possible…

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  • John V.

    “Since I turned 26, I’ve been without health insurance and accruing a lot of medical debt. I’m a stay-at-home dad and only…

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  • Alex

    “After receiving the letter and finding out my debt was abolished; it was such a sigh of relief. The weight on my…

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  • Laura & Ben

    Laura is Ben’s mom. Ben’s heart transplant, his startling cancer diagnosis, and the follow-up care he requires has left their family with…

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